We are contributing to the development of a widely accessible charging infrastructure wherever possible. Already today, via MB.CHARGE Public Mercedes-Benz customers have access to over 2,3 million charging points worldwide and the possibility to charge electricity from renewable energy sources in Europe, the US and Canada.
If this is not provided, Mercedes-Benz ensures that an equivalent amount of electricity from renewable energy sources is fed into the power grid for charging processes in MB.CHARGE Public. This is achieved using green electricity certificates from certified wind and solar power plants that are less than six years old, purchased and redeemed in the same country where the customer charges, contributing to the expansion of renewable energies. Starting with the new generation of electric vehicles Mercedes-Benz extends its “Green Charging” initiative to private households. With smart charging solutions for their home private customers can increase the amount of electricity from renewable energy sources and decrease their CO₂ consumption by charging their electric vehicle via wallbox.