Principles of Social Responsibility and Human Rights

Available in ten languages

Principles of Social Responsibility and Human Rights.

The Principles of Social Responsibility and Human Rights are the binding basis for the implementation of human rights standards at Mercedes-Benz.

We consider respect for human rights a fundamental component of responsible corporate governance. That is why we are not only committed to international standards such as the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, but have also developed our own guidelines that go beyond the legal framework.

Our Principles define clear standards for human rights and good working conditions, such as protection against discrimination and safety at work. This important document was developed with the participation of various internal and external stakeholders. In particular, the Principles take into account the perspective of employees' representatives. The declaration was signed by the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG, the General Works Council of Mercedes-Benz Group AG and the World Employee Committee as well as the international trade union federation IndustriALL Global Union.

In this way, we are supplementing and further specifying the requirements for compliance with human rights contained in our Integrity Code. The Mercedes-Benz Group is continuously developing the Principles and adapting them regularly and on an ad hoc basis in accordance with the results of the risk analysis conducted in the context of our Human Rights Respect System.

The Principles of Social Responsibility and Human Rights are available in ten languages.

Downloading the Principles

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Our Integrity Code.

What we understand by integrity, which rules apply to everyone and which principles we follow.

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Sustainability questions.

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