Compass of values

The basis of our actions


As a global company, we want to handle opportunities and risks responsibly. Integrity plays an important role in this.

At Mercedes-Benz, we are convinced that those who act responsibly will remain successful in the long term, especially in times of upheaval and change. Integrity therefore forms the foundation of our business activities. Integrity in the corporation stands for making the right decisions. This includes complying with internal and external rules and aligning one's own actions with the five corporate principles.

Renata Jungo Brüngger.

Integrity in action cannot be imposed from above. Instead, we have to work together to define a scale of values that provides orientation for us and our colleagues even in difficult situations.

Renata Jungo Brüngger
Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. Integrity, Governance & Sustainability
Renata Jungo Brüngger.

Integrity management at Mercedes-Benz

At Mercedes-Benz, integrity, governance and sustainability are combined into a single executive division. The division Integrity, Governance & Sustainability supports all our corporate units in their efforts to embed these topics in our daily business activities.

The unit Integrity Management & Corporate Responsibility is located in this executive division. Among other things, it works to promote and further develop integrity at Mercedes-Benz and create a shared understanding of integrity. The business units should be strengthened in anchoring integrity in their daily work on their own responsibility. The goal is to counteract possible risks that can arise from unethical behavior and thus contribute to the long-term success of Mercedes-Benz. The head of Integrity Management & Corporate Responsibility reports directly to the Board of Management member for Integrity, Governance & Sustainability.

To ensure that integrity remains anchored in day-to-day business in the long term, the group maintains an exchange of knowledge and open dialog with its employees. At Mercedes-Benz, we demand this from our employees and enable them to consistently stand up for the corporate principles. The Integrity Code, which applies throughout the group, provides guidance, because it serves as a common benchmark of values, defines the guidelines for conduct and helps to make correct decisions.

The employees of Integrity Management create the basis for a shared understanding of integrity, promote integrity within the company and further develop it with target group-specific formats. Their goal is to identify and avoid risks through unethical behavior in order to contribute to the long-term success and reputation of the company as a trustworthy partner.

The unit is supported by the Integrity Network. The goal of the Integrity Network, which consists of representatives of the business units, is to anchor integrity in day-to-day business and make it tangible for employees. The half-yearly member reports also provide insights into the integrity activities of the business units.

Integrity in everyday work

Our group-wide Integrity Code is our shared standard of values. It is binding for all employees of Mercedes-Benz and our controlled Group companies. It defines our understanding of integrity and helps us to take the right decisions. Employees from various corporate units worldwide contributed to the development of the corporate principles that form the core of the Integrity Code.

In our Integrity Code, we have also formulated a special set of requirements for our managers: In particular, we expect them to serve as role models through ethical behavior and thus to offer guidance to our employees.

To the Integrity Code

Strengthening and promoting integrity.

How we promote responsible behavior in our company.

Advisory Board for Integrity and Corporate Responsibility.

Advisory Board for Integrity and Sustainability.

The Advisory Board for Integrity and Sustainability has been an important source of input for our sustainability work since 2012.

For Daimler, compliance, integrity and legal responsibility are inseparable from our daily business activities.


An indispensable part of our daily business activities.