Visual Society and Governance.

Society & Governance.

Our long-term success is based on ethically and legally responsible actions towards all our stakeholders. As a globally operating corporate group, we are continuously striving to contribute to a more sustainable and future-proof society.

We see ourselves as part of society and attach great importance to a transparent dialogue with various stakeholders from politics, academia, business and civil society. Beyond our actual business activities, we want to make a relevant contribution to the common good. Through our extensive Corporate Citizenship engagement, we promote projects worldwide to foster ecological sustainability and strengthen community. In addition to these two focus areas, we help in disaster situations and contribute our share in acute emergencies and exceptional situations. Our actions are based on integrity and compliance: we not only adhere to external and internal rules, but also listen to our inner compass.

For Daimler, compliance, integrity and legal responsibility are inseparable from our daily business activities.

Compliance & Integrity.

Especially in times of change, it is important to act in an ethically and legally correct way. That is why integrity and compliance are a high priority at Mercedes-Benz.

Stakeholder Engagement.

Stakeholder Engagement.

The dialogue with external stakeholders enables us to view our sustainability commitment from different perspectives and share experiences.


Corporate Citizenship.

Mercedes-Benz supports initiatives worldwide that contribute, for example, to decarbonisation, circular economy or the conservation of natural resources. We are also committed to improving educational opportunities and living conditions.

Responsible Advocacy.


Mercedes-Benz seeks an open dialogue with politicians, NGOs, and other social institutions to jointly find solutions to increasingly complex problems.

Mercedes-Benz Engagement.


Diversity and equal opportunities are part of the sustainable business strategy at Mercedes-Benz. That is why we are committed to combating xenophobia, hatred, antisemitism and extremism of all kinds.

Projects & initiatives.

How we take concrete action to make a positive contribution.

Mercedes-Benz Integrity.

Integrity Code.

Our Integrity Code sets out clearly what we mean by integrity, which rules apply to everyone, and which principles we follow.

In Brazil, Japan, South Africa and the USA, a BPO hotline is also available.

Whistleblower system BPO.

An important tool for good corporate governance: our Business & People Protection Office receives reports of rule violations.


beVisioneers: The Mercedes-Benz Fellowship.

We finance a global funding program with donations that support thousands of young people from all over the world in implementing their sustainability projects – beVisioneers: The Mercedes-Benz Fellowship.

Sustainability Dialogue Logo.

We are listening.

We cannot achieve sustainable change alone. That's why we meet up with many stakeholders from civil society, academia and politics at our annual Mercedes-Benz Sustainability Dialogues – and learn from each other.

Advisory Board for Integrity and Corporate Responsibility.

Advisory Board for Integrity and Sustainability.

The Advisory Board for Integrity and Sustainability has been an important source of input for our company since 2012.