Visual download sustainability.

Links and downloads related to sustainability.

Annual report with integrated sustainability report

Archive annual reports.

Archive sustainability reports.

Integrity Code.

Business Partner Standards.

Principles of Social Responsibility and Human Rights.


Responsible Sourcing Standards.

Responsible Sourcing Standards.

Raw Material Report.

Sustainability Dialogue.

Sustainability Dialogue 2024.

Sustainability Dialogue 2023 with plenary report.

ESG disclosure.

ESG at Mercedes-Benz.

TCFD (Task-force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure).

SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board).

ESG Conference 2024.

ESG Conference 2023.

ESG Conference 2022.

Related Links.

In Brazil, Japan, South Africa and the USA, a BPO hotline is also available.

Whistleblower System BPO.

Report Rule Violations.

Mercedes-Benz Climate Transition Action Plan.

Climate Transition Action Plan.

Our action plan for decarbonisation. How the transformation succeeds.

Environmental Check at Mercedes-Benz.

360° environmental check on Mercedes-Benz models.

Consumption, emissions, use of recyclates: In-depth information on our Mercedes-Benz vehicles’ environmental performance. .

Environmental statements.

Environmental statements of our plants.

The Mercedes-Benz plants participate in the Eco-Audit System (EMAS).

Mercedes-Benz Range.

Green Finance.

The Mercedes-Benz Group uses sustainable financial instruments.