Sustainability is a high priority for the Mercedes-Benz Group. We focus on a holistic approach in this regard.
Sustainability has been a fundamental component of the Mercedes-Benz Group's corporate activities for many years. For we strongly believe that only those who focus on a sustainable business strategy in the long term can remain economically successful.
And only those who are successful in the long term can have a great impact on many people and stakeholder groups. We not only want to meet regulatory requirements; we also want to lead the way in particularly relevant areas and achieve high standards in terms of environmental compatibility, resource usage, social responsibility, good corporate governance, sustainable innovation and economic efficiency. This is how we do it.
We want to make the greatest possible impact with what we do. In our six sustainability focus areas we can make a real difference. They cover environmental, social and corporate governance topics that are highly relevant both today and in future – for us as a company, for many of our stakeholders and ultimately for society as a whole. The aim is to anchor sustainability even more firmly in our operational business. This is the only way we can achieve lasting improvements — from reducing CO₂ emissions and increasing the proportion of recycled materials in our vehicles to respect for human rights in the supply chains and more trust in digitalisation.
Renata Jungo Brüngger
Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. Integrity, Governance & Sustainability