Sustainability at Mercedes-Benz.

Sustainability is a high priority for the Mercedes-Benz Group. We focus on a holistic approach in this regard.

Sustainability has been a fundamental component of the Mercedes-Benz Group's corporate activities for many years. For we strongly believe that only those who focus on a sustainable business strategy in the long term can remain economically successful.

And only those who are successful in the long term can have a great impact on many people and stakeholder groups. We not only want to meet regulatory requirements; we also want to lead the way in particularly relevant areas and achieve high standards in terms of environmental compatibility, resource usage, social responsibility, good corporate governance, sustainable innovation and economic efficiency. This is how we do it.

Our sustainability focus areas.

We see sustainability as a holistic process that encompasses economic, ecological and social issues. We focus on six particularly relevant areas in which our company can have an impact.

Climate and environment at Mercedes-Benz.

Environment & Climate.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is one of our most important goals. This is how we are driving forward the transition to emission-free mobility.

key Visual Circularity.

Resources & Circularity.

With recycling and modern processes, we want to increasingly decouple resource consumption from growth.

Visual Raw Material Report 2023.

Human Rights.

We work to ensure that human rights are respected and upheld in our Group companies and along our supply chains.

Visual Traffic Safety.

Traffic Safety.

The European Union aims to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries in road traffic accidents to near zero by 2050. What we are doing to support this goal and, step by step, implement our vision of accident-free driving.

Visual Digital Trust.

Digital Trust.

We want to take advantage of the great opportunities offered by digitalisation and artificial intelligence and at the same time act responsibly so that our stakeholders, e.g. customers and employees, continue to trust us.

Visual People.


A company is only as good as its team. That is why Mercedes-Benz invests in extensive training opportunities, modern working conditions and an appreciative, inclusive working environment.

Renata Jungo Brüngger.

We want to make the greatest possible impact with what we do. In our six sustainability focus areas we can make a real difference. They cover environmental, social and corporate governance topics that are highly relevant both today and in future – for us as a company, for many of our stakeholders and ultimately for society as a whole. The aim is to anchor sustainability even more firmly in our operational business. This is the only way we can achieve lasting improvements — from reducing CO₂ emissions and increasing the proportion of recycled materials in our vehicles to respect for human rights in the supply chains and more trust in digitalisation.

Renata Jungo Brüngger
Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. Integrity, Governance & Sustainability
Renata Jungo Brüngger.
Mercedes-Benz CLA.

Sustainability Report 2024.

For the 2024 financial year, the sustainability reporting is fully integrated into the annual report for the first time.

We want to lead the way in particularly relevant fields.

For us, the solution does not lie in doing without, but in technological and social progress in all relevant areas of our activities.

Mercedes-Benz Ambition 2039.

Ambition 2039.

Our course remains set: Ambition 2039 is a core element of our holistic approach to climate protection and air pollution control.

The Mercedes-Benz internal re-training program "D.Shift" for employees from production into digital professions.


The world is changing – and we are changing with it. Mercedes-Benz is training production employees — for the digital era and thus driving forward digitalisation and electrification.

Human Rights Respect System

Human Rights Respect System.

Our systematic human rights approach: With our Human Rights Respect System (HRRS) we identify human rights risks and possible negative effects along the supply chain and try to minimise them.

Advisory Board for Integrity and Corporate Responsibility.

Advisory Board for Integrity and Sustainability.

The Advisory Board for Integrity and Sustainability has been an important source of input for our company since 2012.

Society & Governance.

Only those who act ethically, legally and responsibly and are committed to the common good will be successful in the long term. Compliance, integrity and dialogue with society and relevant stakeholder groups are as important to us as sensitivity and advocacy issues.

Society & Governance Overview


Focus on Sustainability: Six Strategic Areas at Mercedes-Benz.

Six Strategic Areas.

At Mercedes-Benz, sustainability is an integral part of our corporate activities. To drive our sustainable transformation, we have set six strategic focus areas.

Raw Material Report 2024.

Raw Material Report.

We report on our activities to respect human rights in raw material supply chains and on our progress in the context of our sustainable corporate strategy.

Sustainability Dialogue Logo.

We are listening.

We cannot achieve sustainable change alone. That's why we meet up with many stakeholders from civil society, academia and politics at our annual Mercedes-Benz Sustainability Dialogues – and learn from each other.

Just Transition: Lighthouse project to create positive impacts for both people and nature throughout aluminium supply chain in Brazil.

Making a difference on site.

The Corridor Initiative: How we want to work together with our aluminum supplier Hydro along a bauxite pipeline in Brazil to promote human rights and biodiversity.

Opening battery recycling factory Kuppenheim.

Closing the recycling loop.

Our battery recycling factory in Kuppenheim started operations in 2024: How we are reducing our resource consumption and strengthening value creation in Germany.

Renata Jungo Brüngger, member of the Board of Management, responsible for Integrity Governance & Sustainability.

“Sustainability means real improvements”.

Renata Jungo Brüngger, Board Member for Integrity, Governance & Sustainability, talks about the most important levers for sustainability.

Good to know.

Key sustainability resources at Mercedes-Benz.


Sustainability has been a central topic for us for years: Mercedes-Benz Sustainability Reports since 2013.


Environmental checks and reports from Mercedes-Benz – and much more.

Sustainable investing.

More and more investors are basing their decisions on criteria such as environmental protection, socially responsible behaviour and fair corporate governance.

Sustainability at Mercedes-Benz Mobility.

At Mercedes-Benz Mobility, we have one goal — inspiring our customers with best-in-class mobility services. For us, best-in-class also means sustainable.

Any questions?

Interested in sustainability at Mercedes-Benz? We look forward to hearing from you.