We get ideas off the ground // Ignite.

Recognizing and assessing trends — that’s how we get innovation processes started early. We compress social, economic, and technological trends into holistic visions of the future and in this manner motivate others to shape this future with us. Depending on the given topic, our partners might be internal colleagues or external partners from universities or startups.

Making ideas happen: Ideation.


We use interdisciplinary workshops to develop ideas for future mobility on the basis of insights and trends.

Open innovation & scouting.

Open innovation and scouting.

Startups, research initiatives, and innovative companies are all part of our open innovation process.

Trend intelligence.

Trend intelligence.

We examine and evaluate trends in order to derive concrete options for taking action in response.

Science and technology.

We identify and analyze new technologies in order to assess their transfer potential.

Intellectual property.

Our ideas and innovations need to be protected through patents that ensure our freedom of action and safeguard our brands.

We get new technologies off the ground // Invent.

The thoughts of just one person are often enough to generate a good idea. However, if you’re going to transform an idea into an innovation, you need to have good teamwork. We work together to link various approaches in order to develop strategies, concepts and, ultimately, prototypes.

PIONEERING. In-Car Gaming.

Future Interior Experience // Immersive Gaming.

In the context of the autonomous driving of the future, gaming could become an essential component of the vehicle’s interior.

Digitalization and customization.

Hardware and digital technology // Digitalization and customization.

Increasing digitalization and 3D printing technology are accelerating processes and creating new opportunities for design and production.


Full speed on the STARTUP AUTOBAHN.

Our innovation platform allows startups and established industrial companies to develop technologies and business models together.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is an important tool for us – including outside of autonomous driving.