At Mercedes-Benz, hybrid working means optimally combining the advantages of mobile working with those of presence at the workplace. On the one hand, the company can become more efficient and sustainable, for example through fewer business trips and face-to-face meetings. On the other hand, employees benefit from less commuting, greater flexibility and a better compatibility of different areas of life.
Managers and their teams work together to design the hybrid working model. Attention should be paid to business and personal needs - the company supports this with appropriate digital design processes, training and training documents. Based on trust, personal responsibility and self-control, the work tasks are then carried out in the place where they can best be done.
Mercedes-Benz is a pioneer in mobile working: Since 2009, there has been a company agreement on mobile working, which was extended in 2016. Since then, all employees have basically had the right to work up to 100 percent mobile if this is compatible with the respective task.