Mercedes-Benz Integrity.

Training for Success

Fit for Integrity, Compliance, Law & Sustainability.

In order to make the right decisions in everyday business, information about integrity, compliance, law and sustainability is essential. That's why we support our employees worldwide with a specifically designed web-based training program. We also inform our business partners about current requirements.

Training for our employees

Only those who know the legal regulations, internal rules and processes as well as the applicable standards, can act responsibly and being compliant. For this, we have developed our global, comprehensive training program on integrity, compliance, law and sustainability, which we regularly review and adapt. We use it to provide our employees with the support they need to overcome even difficult situations and minimize compliance risks. At the same time, we are thus establishing a basis for ensuring our employees act with integrity and compliance over the long term. At the same time, we create the basis for anchoring integrity and compliant behavior among our employees in the long term.

We support our employees worldwide with a specific training program.
We support our employees worldwide with a specific training program.

From theory to practice: Our web-based training program

The target-group oriented, web-based training program ‘Integrity@Work’ is available to all employees in the administration of Mercedes-Benz and its controlled companies. It contains basic modules for administrative employees, specific module for managers and expert modules for various compliance fields such as antitrust law, human rights, data protection, technical compliance and anti-money laundering prevention, as well as function-specific topics in purchasing and sales. The practice-oriented training courses include exemplary cases and complex situations from everyday work. Administrative employees are required to complete the relevant modules on a regular basis, while the program for blue-collar employees is voluntarily.

For new employees, we have designed a web-based onboarding training that enables a virtual tour of the entire department ‘Integrity, Governance & Sustainability’.

Our shared responsibility: Raising awareness among suppliers and sales partners

We clearly define our integrity, compliance and sustainability requirements not just for our employees, but also for our business partners, since integrity is a basis for trusting cooperation. Our web-based ’Compliance Awareness Module’ supports suppliers and sales partners in dealing with integrity and compliance risks, formulates our expectations and informs about legal requirements and ethical standards.

Our Compliance Management System (CMS) comprises basic principles and measures to promote rule-compliant behavior in the company.

Our Compliance Management System.

Promote compliant behavior throughout the company.

Compass of values

Integrity and Sustainability.

Orientation towards the Scale of Values.

For us, integrity and compliance are the basis for a trusting partnership and cooperation.

Compliance of our business partners.

Our shared responsibility.

For Daimler, compliance, integrity and legal responsibility are inseparable from our daily business activities.


An indispensable part of our daily business activities.