Mercedes-Benz Museum

Museums and historical sites.

Those are the historical sites where the way was paved for a successful future of mobility – here the experimenting spirit and inventive genius of the founding fathers of our company took on concrete shape.

Investing extensive efforts in renovation, in 1985 Daimler-Benz AG restored the Benz House in Ladenburg, the last residence of inventor Carl Benz, to almost original condition

Carl Benz house in Ladenburg.

In 1985 the company restored the Benz House in Ladenburg, the last residence Carl Benz.

Daimler birthplace in Schorndorf

Daimler Birthplace in Schorndorf.

Gottlieb Daimler was born in 1834 above a bakery and wine bar in Höllgasse in Schorndorf.

First workshop of Carl Benz in Mannheim. Drawing dates from ca. 1871

Carl Benz workshop in Mannheim.

In 1871 Carl Benz set up his first firm, "Mechanical Engineering Workshop", in Mannheim.

Mercedes-Benz Museum, exterior

The Mercedes-Benz Museum.

On 19 May 2006 the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart was opened.

The "Daimler Villa" in Cannstatt on Taubenheimstrasse

Daimler villa in Bad Cannstatt.

In 1882 Gottlieb Daimler purchased a villa in Cannstatt, at the edge of the picturesque spa gardens.

Gottlieb Daimler Memorial in Bad Cannstatt (the reconstructed workshop of Gottlieb Daimler). Here the world's first lightweight high-speed vehicle engine was created. In 1984 the garden house was restored and made accessible to the public.

Memorial site.

Daimler garden house in Bad Cannstatt.

The skid pad of the test track at the Untertürkheim plant, made up of concentric rings with different surface finishes. Photograph from 1984.

Test track in Untertürkheim.

High-bank curve and "Heide" section.