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3 questions to...

Work on the Next Big Thing? That's what we do. We asked three of our developers the same three questions. As different as their answers may be, they have one thing in common: the passion with which their colleagues dedicate themselves to the future!

...Yilin Yu

Software Function Developer for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3

Why are IT and AI turning mobility upside down?
IT offers countless ways to address individual customer needs. We can use IT to improve driving comfort, to increase driving fun and to offer efficient performance. Digitization has also made the development process more agile. We can integrate new ideas into software and test them directly in digital prototypes. This means we can develop the best solutions in the shortest space of time

What makes you a developer?
I create new experiences for our customers with my software functions. I can realize my ideas and develop solutions for new and exciting challenges. One example is the driving-off procedure for hybrid vehicles. This can be an uncomfortable jerk or indeed pleasant continuous acceleration. It depends on the programmed software we develop.

What #NextBigThing are you currently working on?
I am currently working as part of a team on a new software for the next generation of electric and hybrid drives. Our software ensures that the optimum operating point with respect to efficiency and driving comfort is selected in the power electronics.

... Kamal Muth

Software Developer for the Electrification of Compact Vehicles

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3

Why are IT and AI turning mobility upside down?
The focus is completely changing. In future, it will probably be less about how the vehicle is moving, and more about what a customer can do while on the move. What podcast does he/she like to listen to the most? What online magazine should be shown? The vehicle drives autonomously and the customer can make use of the journey time. Perhaps the customer is not even sitting in his own car, rather is using a car sharing model. Nevertheless, everything has been adjusted to suit him because this is exactly what IT and AI (artificial intelligence) make possible.

What makes you a developer?
I am not a traditional IT person. I initially learned the ropes of software development at Mercedes-Benz. I am now responsible for the software development of the 48V systems for the next generation of our compact vehicles in 2025. That means I am literally working on the future. In specific terms, I look after the software side of things, making sure that our vehicles with combustion engines are electrified to the greatest extent possible. In this regard, we are working on new features and functions that the customer will probably want in future.

What #NextBigThing are you currently working on?
I cannot reveal too much, but I have already hinted at it: We are working on the 48V systems for the next generation of our compact vehicles. The aim here is to optimize and reduce mechanical components and move toward electric solutions.

... Tatiana Diyachenko

Software Tester for Integrated Starter Generator

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3

Why are IT and AI turning mobility upside down?
Artificial Intelligence is still an "undiscovered" technology in many ways, but at the same time development moves fast and AI offers almost endless opportunities. Because of its efficiency and flexibility, it will significantly change all the areas it is used in

What makes you a developer?
I studied IT and worked in the telematics team for Mercedes me connect, today known as Digital Extras, in Japan. That project was an important step closer to turning the car into a mobile assistant. Currently I am working in a project for ISG systems, which stands for Integrated Starting Generator. It is a powerful electric motor directly mounted to the engine. It generates electrical power for all electrical consumers and generates mechanical power to turn the engine and accelerate the car. ISG also actively smoothens all unwanted vibrations of the whole powertrain. My main task is to coordinate the testing activities to ensure the software quality.

Which #NextBigThing are you currently working on?
ISG systems are already integrated into our vehicles. Our #NextBigThing is to develop the electric motor even further, more efficiently and more powerful


IT, Software Development.