Mercedes-Benz Gastronomy GmbH is represented at a total of seven locations across Germany. The self-operating gastronomic offerings range from more than 20 canteens and 45 shops, event catering, as well as conference and meeting management.
Mercedes-Benz AG
Mercedesstraße 120
70372 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 7 11 17-0
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Represented by the Board of Management:
Ola Källenius, Chairman; Jörg Burzer, Renata Jungo Brüngger, Mathias Geisen, Sabine Kohleisen, Markus Schäfer, Britta Seeger, Oliver Thöne, Hubertus Troska, Harald Wilhelm
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Martin Brudermüller
Court of Registry: Stuttgart; commercial register no. 762873
VAT ID: DE 32 12 81 763
All information about our products can be found on your country-specific Mercedes-Benz product page.
Diverse, well balanced and delightful cuisine
Mercedes-Benz Gastronomy GmbH is represented at a total of seven locations across Germany. The self-operating gastronomic offerings range from more than 20 canteens and 45 shops, event catering, as well as conference and meeting management.
The Mercedes-Benz gastronomy is gradually aligning the menu of its canteens with the scientific guidelines of the "Planetary Health Diet (PHD)" by the EAT-Lancet Commission, which considers the health of both humans and the planet. These guidelines are published by the German Nutrition Society. The goal is to offer climate-friendly meals that primarily consist of plant-based components. Meat and fish remain part of a diverse menu, but in a reduced form.
As early as 2021, a fully plant-based dish was introduced, which is offered daily and currently represents the most affordable main course on the menu.
Additionally, the Mercedes-Benz gastronomy uses a health score (“Gastronomisches Ampelsystem”) to indicate the health value of its dishes in order to support employees in eating healthily.
Mercedes-Benz gastronomy attaches great importance to the purchase of regional and organic food. All canteens have been eco-certified with the “Bio-Außer-Haus-Verpflegungs-Verordnung (AHVV)”. Ingredients of organic quality are used in the menu. The aim is to constantly increase their proportion.
The European Chicken Commitment
Mercedes-Benz Gastronomy reports the climate balance of its offered dishes and has been able to reduce the CO₂ emissions of purchased and produced dishes by 17 percent since 2022.