Mercedes-Benz EQE.

Investing sustainably

ESG at Mercedes-Benz.

The Mercedes-Benz Group wants to create sustainable value – economically, ecologically and socially. This is one of the central guiding principles. It applies not only to the Group’s own products and production sites, but also encompasses the Group’s upstream and downstream value chain. The Mercedes-Benz Group translates this approach into its sustainable business strategy.

One of the most important goals of the Mercedes-Benz Group is decarbonization. The Group has firmly established this topic in its sustainable business strategy. In the Mercedes-Benz Group’s strategy, this goal is reflected in the “Ambition 2039”. By 2039 the entire Mercedes-Benz new vehicle fleet is to be net carbon-neutral[1]Net carbon-neutral means that carbon emissions that are not avoided or reduced at Mercedes-Benz are compensated for by certified offsetting projects.
across all stages of the value chain.

The Mercedes-Benz Group has set itself ambitious goals and defined six focus areas in the context of sustainability for reaching these goals.

ESG disclosure

Mercedes-Benz Annual Report 2024 with integrated Sustainability Report Close
Climate Transition Action Plan Close

The necessary transformation to a climate-neutral society requires the transformation of entire industries. We want to actively shape the transformation of the automotive industry and be part of the solution. The second Mercedes-Benz Climate Transition Action Plan outlines how we pursue this task – by setting ourselves ambitious targets and aligning our entire organization and value chain with this path. By 2039, we aim to have a net carbon-neutral[1]Net carbon-neutral means that carbon emissions that are not avoided or reduced at Mercedes-Benz are compensated for by certified offsetting projects.
Mercedes-Benz new vehicle fleet across all stages of the value chain.

Climate Policy Report Close

The Mercedes-Benz Group Climate Policy Report provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s position on climate change and the measures taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By issuing the Mercedes-Benz Group Climate Policy Report 2023 the Group wants to be transparent about its positions and activities demonstrating its commitment to the climate protection goals.

TCFD Reports Close

In April 2015, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors asked the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to review how the financial sector can take account of climate-related issues. The FSB established the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to develop voluntary, consistent climate-related financial disclosures that would be useful to investors, lenders, and insurance underwriters in understanding material risks.

The TCFD’s members were chosen by the FSB to include both users and preparers of disclosures from across the G20’s constituency covering a broad range of economic sectors and financial markets. As one of six industrial firms, Mercedes-Benz Group contributed to the development of the recommendations that were published in June 2017.

SASB Reports Close

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards guide the disclosure of financially material sustainability information by companies to their investors. Available for 77 industries, the Standards identify the subset of environmental, social, and governance issues most relevant to financial performance in each industry.

CDP Close

The Mercedes-Benz Group achieved an A- rating in 2024 in the disclosure of its climate-related activities in the CDP climate questionnaire. In addition, the Group has reported on water-related activities in the separate CDP water questionnaire and subsequently achieved an A- rating.

CDP is a global non-profit that runs an environmental disclosure system. More than 24,800 companies and 1,100 cities, states and regions disclosed their environmental impacts in 2024.

Raw Materials Report Close

For Mercedes-Benz, respect for human rights is a fundamental component of our activities. In the Raw Materials Report, we report on our activities to respect human rights in raw materials supply chains and our progress within the framework of our sustainable corporate strategy.

By 2025, we want to assess 70 percent of the 24 raw materials we identify. By 2028, appropriate measures for the prevention, reduction or termination of human rights violations should be defined for all risky raw materials.

The first "Raw Materials Report" will publish the assessments for the first six raw materials aluminum, cobalt, lithium, mica, tin and tungsten. The report will be regularly updated and supplemented with analyses of further raw materials.

ESG policies and standards

Just Transition Approach Close
Water policy Close
Biodiversity policy Close
Data protection policy EU Close
Integrity Code Close
Principles of Social Responsibility and Human Rights Close
Responsible Sourcing Standard Close

The document can be downloaded from our Supplier Portal. 

The letters ESG stand for Environment, Social and Corporate Governance. These non-financial criteria are used when assessing investments or business practices. ESG information is used by players in the financial markets, such as pension funds or asset managers, as a complement to their fundamental economic analysis work.

Green Finance

More and more investors are making their investment decisions on the basis of criteria such as environmental protection, social conduct and fair corporate governance. They want to invest in companies with a sustainable business strategy. With our Green Finance Framework, we have created the conditions for sustainable finance instruments such as green bonds and green loans.

This article was last updated in June 2024.

Mercedes-Benz ESG Conference 2024 Visual with Text.

ESG Conference.

Tomorrow drives Mercedes-Benz: Full commitment to sustainable business strategy goes far beyond products.

Mercedes-Benz CLA.

Sustainability Report 2024.

For the 2024 financial year, the sustainability reporting is fully integrated into the annual report for the first time.

Mercedes-Benz Sustainability Dialogue 2022.

Sustainability at Mercedes-Benz.

At a glance - here you can find our sustainability focus areas in detail, our sustainability report, our strategy, news and insights.


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