Above and beyond the legal requirements: An EQA and an EQS SUV collided head-on with a 50 percent overlap in a real-life accident scenario, each travelling at 56 km/h.


Safety is a core component of Mercedes-Benz’s DNA. Mercedes-Benz is regarded as the inventor of modern vehicle safety – and remains a pioneer in the field to this day. The basis for the company’s commitment is its real-life safety strategy: Besides the prevention of accidents, their outcome is also reduced. Crash tests significantly contribute to road traffic safety.

Safety at Mercedes-Benz is not a matter of drive system.

"Real-life" Crashtest.

Mercedes-Benz electric vehicles are every bit as safe as all other models from the brand with the star.

Mercedes-Benz is the world's first car manufacturer to X-ray a crash test.

X-ray crash test.

Mercedes-Benz uses X-ray technology in its crash tests.

Mercedes-Benz introduced the Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female dummy even before it was officially required by law.

Female crash test dummies.

120 dummies in 21 different versions undergo up to 900 crash tests each year.

Once everything has been measured and the 100 kg, 1.88 m tall crash-test dummies and their diversely dimensioned family members have been correctly positioned and safely secured with their seat belts, the crash-test vehicle can start its ultimate journey.

Facts and figures.

Facts and figures about the technology centre for vehicle safety in Sindelfingen.

crash simulations

A new Mercedes-Benz model undergoes around 15,0000 crash simulations on average.

Termination of a business trip: The actual crash takes just about 120 milliseconds. In order not to miss a detail, the tests are documented by high speed cameras taking 1,000 images per second.

Tough test.

The Technology Centre for Vehicle Safety in Sindelfingen.

For more than 50 years, the company’s in-house accident research centre has been investigating accidents involving Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The aim is to understand how accidents happen and which advanced safety systems could have prevented them.

Redundant System Architecture DRIVE PILOT: Braking, Steering, Electrical System, Positioning, Stereo-Multi-Purpose-Camera.

Safe conditionally automated driving.

When it comes to conditionally automated driving (SAE Level 3), safety and reliability are the top priorities for Mercedes-Benz.

Active Brake Assist.

Since 2012, more than 10 million of all Mercedes-Benz passenger cars sold worldwide have been equipped with the pedestrian emergency braking system.

On the road with the accident investigators from Mercedes-Benz

Measuring fate.

On the road with accident researchers from Mercedes-Benz.

TwoBox system for electric vehicles.

Pioneer for increased safety.

The priority of Mercedes-Benz is to prevent accidents and improve the outcomes of accidents.

Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX.


Shaping change - our mission for the future of mobility.