Untertürkheim plant celebrates 120th anniversary: Impressive laser show at the end of the day.

Tradition and innovation

120 years Untertürkheim plant.

July 20, 2024 – Back in 1904: The month of May, Mercedes-Benz company history records the relocation of the administration of the Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft from Cannstatt to the new plant in Untertürkheim. It is the birth of one of the oldest Mercedes-Benz locations worldwide, which is celebrating its 120th anniversary this year.

The plant increasingly focused on the production of engines and components and was also a central location for development and testing after initially producing engines, transmissions and axles as well as complete vehicles. Over time, the company expanded the location to include additional plant sections in the region.

Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft in Untertürkheim around 1908.
Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft in Untertürkheim around 1908.
Untertürkheim site in the year of 1977.
Untertürkheim site in the year of 1977.
Technical apprenticeship in Untertürkheim in the year of 1980.
Technical apprenticeship in Untertürkheim in the year of 1980.
Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft in Untertürkheim around 1908.
Untertürkheim site in the year of 1977.
Technical apprenticeship in Untertürkheim in the year of 1980.

Today, Untertürkheim with itssections is firmly anchored within the global Mercedes-Benz powertrain production network as a high-tech location and lead plant for drive technologies. More than 2 million products - engines, transmissions, axles, components and batteries - leave the plant every year in order to be installed in a wide variety of vehicles in production facilities on three continents.

Battery production in plant section Hedelfingen.
Battery production in plant section Hedelfingen.

Research and development of drive technologies are a key element at the location. The newly opened Mercedes-Benz eCampus, a competence center for the development of cells and batteries for future electric vehicles of the brand with the star, marks an important milestone for the 120-year-old location in the transformation to electromobility. Investments in the three-digit million-euro range will strengthen Untertürkheim’s role as a high-tech facility for drive technologies – a clear commitment to the workforce and to Baden-Württemberg as a centre of automotive competence.

Statements on the anniversary

Jörg Burzer, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG, responsible for Production, Quality & Supply Chain Management Close

“The Stuttgart-Untertürkheim site and its great team stand for the success story of Mercedes-Benz. With new, sustainable high-tech products, the plant is ready to continue this story. Untertürkheim will also drive Mercedes-Benz in the truest sense of the word in the electric age, thus reinforcing its role in the global powertrain production network. Congratulations to all colleagues on this special anniversary."

Thomas Schulz, Chairman Mercedes-Benz Drive Systems, Head of Production Powertrain Mercedes-Benz Cars and Plant Manager, Mercedes-Benz Untertürkheim Close

"For 120 years, our employees have been shaping the innovative strength and progress of this location with their expertise, experience and passion. The anniversary and all the associated milestones and products illustrate the location's ability to continuously develop. Together we are shaping the future of mobility."

Michael Häberle, Chairman of the Work Council at the Mercedes-Benz site in Untertürkheim and Deputy Chairman of the General Works Council of Mercedes-Benz Group AG Close

“This anniversary not only marks 120 years of outstanding engineering and innovation, but also the tireless dedication and passion of our employees. On behalf of the Works Council, I would like to thank our colleagues and congratulate all of us on this success.”

Untertürkheim celebrates 120th anniversary: Employee event with a colorful entertainment program on the plant area.
Untertürkheim celebrates 120th anniversary: Employee event with a colorful entertainment program on the plant area.

Mercedes-Benz Stuttgart-Untertürkheim today and tomorrow

The Mercedes-Benz Stuttgart-Untertürkheim plant spans several sub-sites in the Neckar valley and set the course for e-mobility some time ago. The plant already produces flexible drive systems for both fully electric and electrified vehicles. Untertürkheim is responsible for the production of drive components. The forge is also located there. Furthermore, the Untertürkheim site is home to a large part of the Group’s drivetrain research and development, with a test track for vehicle testing as well as the new Mercedes-Benz eCampus. The central van division and its research and development is also located here. And Untertürkheim is home to the Mercedes-Benz Group AG headquarters. In total, more than 23,000 employees work there, including sub-sites – around 14,100 of them in production. From 2024, the ramp-up of production of electric drive units for fully electric Mercedes-Benz vehicles will begin at Untertürkheim. Highly efficient engines are produced in Bad Cannstatt. Axle production for all drivetrains and the foundry are both located in Mettingen. Parts for electric drive units will be manufactured and assembled into electric axles here from 2024. Transmission production is at the Hedelfingen plant. Battery systems for the all-electric EQS and EQE models have also been produced here since 2021. This year will also see the start of production of parts for electric drive units. Flexible production is located in Sirnau and training is based in Brühl. Since 2022, the Brühl plant has been home to a battery factory producing systems for Mercedes-Benz plug-in hybrid models.

Mercedes-Benz’s own production sites have been net carbon neutral[1]Net carbon-neutral means that carbon emissions that are not avoided or reduced at Mercedes-Benz are compensated for by certified offsetting projects.
since 2022. By 2030, the plan is to cover more than 70 percent of production energy requirements with renewable energy. This will be achieved through the expansion of solar and wind energy at the sites and the conclusion of further corresponding power purchase agreements. The goal for all Mercedes-Benz production plants worldwide is to operate with 100-percent renewable energy by 2039.

From the beginnings of the automobile with Benz Patent Motorcar through to fuel cells and electric cars.


Our company history from the beginnings of the automobile to electromobility.

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