Behind the scenes.
Get to know some of our many amazing dual studies students and what they have to say about studying and working at Mercedes-Benz.
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Get to know some of our many amazing dual studies students and what they have to say about studying and working at Mercedes-Benz.
"As a dual student, I complete my practical study phases at Mercedes-Benz in Bremen, but II spend the theoretical parts of my studies at the Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Stuttgart. Commuting between the two cities every three months is a remarkable experience, allowing me to capitalize on the opportunity to study and work at different locations. I enjoy networking with fellow students at the university and with colleagues at Mercedes-Benz, as well as learning to manage my time effectively.
The mechanical engineering study helps me enhancing my technical knowledge. During my studies, I design my own components and create technical drawings, skills that I can directly apply within the company.
Additionally, I can consistently apply my theoretical knowledge about manufacturing technology to gain a deeper insight into production processes. So, there is a strong synergy between theoretical knowledge and practical application.
It is a great advantage that I get to know various departments during my dual study programme and participate in different projects. This gives me a comprehensive insight into the different disciplines and allows me to gain practical experience in the various work areas.”
“I'm currently doing a dual study programme in Embedded Systems at Mercedes-Benz in Stuttgart. What are Embedded Systems? That’s microcontroller technology – a blend of hardware and software. One of my highlights so far was supporting a team in programming a driver assistance system on a microcontroller.
Every three months I alternate between working at the company and studying at the university. During my practical experience, I gained insights into various departments. For example, I worked in the Research & Development department, which manages – among others - collaborations in battery development. Here I developed a newsletter for my colleagues that deals with the current market developments. The special feature is the use of artificial intelligence to automate the creation of the newsletter as much as possible.
During the theory phase I study at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Friedrichshafen. This change between practice and theory is what makes the dual study programme so exciting.
What makes Mercedes-Benz as an employer so attractive for me? The variety of tasks! I can apply for projects of my choice during the practical phases. For example, during my first practical assignment, I programmed a collaborative robot in Python with fellow students – an amazing experience! For my next project, I will be heading to China.
Another point I appreciate, are the training opportunities. For my newsletter project, I took courses on generative artificial intelligence. This way, I can develop myself and stay up-to-date.”