Mercedes-Benz Annual Results Conference 2023.

Mercedes-Benz: our stance

For democracy - against extremism.

Mercedes-Benz champions diversity and is actively engaged in promoting tolerance and openness. Diversity makes our company strong – both today and in the future. Around 166,000 colleagues from 142 nations work alongside each other worldwide. All forms of xenophobia, hate, anti-semitism and extremism conflict with the values of Mercedes-Benz.

Together with over 30 German companies, Mercedes-Benz is part of the alliance “We stand for values” . Together, we are committed to democracy, diversity, openness and tolerance.

Our initiative is directed outwards, but above all inwards: We want to engage in a dialogue with our employees to emphasize the importance of European integration and our free democratic order to promote economic success, innovation and prosperity.”

The company is also part of the Bündnis für Demokratie und gegen Extremismus [alliance for democracy and against extremism], which was jointly founded in February 2024 by the Südwestmetall employers' association and the Baden-Württemberg branch of IG Metall, the Industrial Union of Metal Workers, in the presence of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The statement "Industry for Democracy" contains the following words: "Diversity is our strength. We will not stand idly by as the culture of togetherness is undermined, but will adopt a clear stance against any form of racism, religious discrimination and, in particular, anti-Semitism."

Ola Källenius, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG.

Mercedes-Benz is active in almost every country of the world. So that we can understand our customers all over the world, our workforce must reflect this diversity. Diversity is a driver of ideas, of renewal and of a pioneering spirit, and is essential to our business. This is why we embody and promote diversity, tolerance and openness. In Germany alone, almost 115,000 people from 121 nations work alongside each other in our company. And I firmly believe that if we can work hand in hand, then we can live door by door.

Ola Källenius
Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG
Ola Källenius, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG.

Together with other German companies, Mercedes-Benz joined the Friends of Yad Vashem and, in 2021, published a joint declaration against anti-Semitism and racism. Mercedes-Benz is also a founder member of and initial signatory to the German Diversity Charter. The aim of this government-supported initiative is to put diversity at the heart of working life in Germany and to ensure that it is valued and respected.

In addition, Mercedes-Benz supported the "Never Again Is Now! Germany stands up" ceremony in Berlin and is part of a national campaign for diversity, freedom and openness under the title "#Zusammenland – Vielfalt macht uns stark" [#togetherland – diversity makes us strong].

Ola Källenius' speech to the Bündnis für Demokratie und gegen Extremismus in February 2024 Close

Dear Federal President, ladies and gentlemen.

I can remember very well my first working day, back in 1993, at what was then called Daimler-Benz AG. It was also my first day here in Stuttgart. It was all quite overwhelming at first, but I was very warmly welcomed. And I quickly discovered the opportunities that both this company and, above all, this country could offer.

I was born and grew up in Sweden. But over the past more than 30 years, Germany has become my second home. My wife is German; our children hold two passports. There is much that I love about Germany: the quality of life, cultural diversity and social cohesion, its openness, friendliness and innovative spirit. This is why I applied for German citizenship, which I received last year. That was a very special and emotional moment for me. I feel that I belong in this country, just like millions of other people who also have foreign roots.

In addition to my personal rejection of xenophobia, intolerance and extremism, there are of course myriad rational arguments why it is imperative that the industrial and business community also takes a clear stance here. First, the success of an industrial and business location depends above all on its appeal to professionals and investors both at home and abroad. Second, diversity is a driver of ideas, of renewal and of a pioneering spirit, and is essential to our business.

Mercedes-Benz is active in almost every country of the world. So that we can understand our customers all over the world, our workforce must reflect this diversity.

This is why we embody and promote diversity, tolerance and openness. In Germany alone, almost 115,000 people from 121 nations work alongside each other in our company. And I firmly believe that if we can work hand in hand, then we can live door by door.

In Baden-Württemberg, more than one third of the population has a migrant background. In Stuttgart, this figure is more than 40%. Our company is a reflection of society. Without our employees who have a migrant background, it would be almost impossible to develop, assemble and sell an S-Class.

We need and want these people. And we are happy and proud to see them right at the heart of what we do. This is why I – as a German with dual citizenship and as the Chairman of the Board of Management – am taking a firm stand against the backward attitudes, against the hate and against the xenophobia that have taken hold in certain sections of our society.

We all value Germany's diversity, openness and togetherness and its free and democratic basic order. But as we can all see right now, these values are not a given. This is why it is more important than ever to stand up for and defend these values afresh and with renewed vigour. An open society must firmly reject all forms of fanaticism, extremism and anti-Semitism.

And in today's declaration, we are sending a clear signal: the industrial and business community here in Baden-Württemberg is on your side! Thank you!

Radio interview outlining the company's position with Eckart von Klaeden Close

In a radio interview with SWR, Eckart von Klaeden – Head of of Policy and External Affairs at Mercedes-Benz – explained why it is vital to take a stance and actively stand up for the free and democratic basic order.

You can listen to the SWR interview in the ARD audio library  (Only in German language).

Video: No star without diversity Close

This article was last updated in June 2024.

Mercedes-Benz Engagement.


Diversity and inclusion are part of the sustainable business strategy of the Mercedes-Benz Group.

Actively shaping equal opportunities.

We want equal opportunities and fair treatment based on mutual respect.

„We Stand for Values“ initiative.

We Stand for Values.

Together with more than 30 other German companies, we have joined the "We Stand for Values" initiative.