*) The dividend was distributed on the third business day following the resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, i.e. on May 27, 2019, to all shareholders who held Daimler AG shares on May 22, 2019.
New company structure targeted for November 1, 2019
The shareholders of Daimler AG voted to reorganize the Daimler Group by a large majority at the Annual Meeting in Berlin on Wednesday. This clears the way for the Group to place its car and van business as well as its truck and bus business into two legally independent entities by way of a spin-off. This project, called PROJECT FUTURE, will take effect when the hive-down is entered in the commercial register at Stuttgart District Court. The start of the new company structure is targeted for November 1, 2019. From that date onwards, Mercedes-Benz AG will be responsible for the current Mercedes-Benz Cars and Mercedes-Benz Vans divisions, while Daimler Trucks and Daimler Buses will be joined in Daimler Truck AG. Daimler Financial Services AG, which is already legally independent, will be called Daimler Mobility AG from July 24, 2019 on. The two new companies, like the current Daimler AG and the future Daimler Mobility AG, will be co-determined German stock corporations with registered offices in Stuttgart.
Daimler AG as a publicly listed parent company, will perform the functions of governance, strategy and control, and will provide group-wide services. With three strong entities under a common umbrella, the Daimler Group will be more flexible and focused. With the new structure, Daimler wants to give its divisions more entrepreneurial freedom, increase market and customer orientation, and make cooperation easier and faster. By focusing the new companies on their customers, markets and core competencies, new growth and earnings potential can be utilized. In addition, the strengthening of the divisional structure serves the objective of retaining existing investors over the long-term and attracting new investors and partners.
Further voting results
The adjustment of Board of Management remuneration, with incentives for sustainable corporate development and a stronger focus on transformation towards the provision of mobility services, was approved by the shareholders, as was an extension of the object of the company to include “mobility and transport services and concepts” in the articles of incorporation.