In a further decision, the Supervisory Board established a cross-divisional steering and coordination function at the Board of Management level for sustainability management. Renata Jungo Brüngger will additionally take charge of this new function effective August 1, 2023, as part of her area of responsibility, which will be renamed Integrity, Governance & Sustainability (previously: Integrity & Legal Affairs). With this move, Mercedes-Benz takes into account the growing complexity and increasing regulatory importance of this multi-faceted topic and is creating a central point of contact for all relevant stakeholder groups. Responsibility for the function-specific management of sustainability topics will remain in the respective Board of Management areas.
For Mercedes-Benz, sustainability means creating permanent value for all stakeholder groups: customers, employees, investors, business partners and society as a whole. In doing so, the company combines economic, environmental and social responsibility along the entire value chain.