Michael Peters, Member of the Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG.
Supervisory Board

Michael Peters.

Bremen. Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG – Employee Representatives. Chairman of the Works Council of Mercedes-Benz Bremen Plant.

Elected until: 2028. First elected: 2023. Nationality: German.

Michael Peters was born on 1968 in Bremen. After finishing school, he joined Daimler-Benz AG as an apprentice in 1984. Following completion of vocational training as a sheet metal worker, he moved to the body-in-white department at the Bremen site and worked in various areas of large and small series production. Michael Peters leads projects on work organization issues as an expert at the Commission for Labor Policy. In 2019, he graduated as General Manager at European School of Management and Technology Berlin.

Michael Peters has been a member of the Works Council Bremen since 2002 and was elected as Deputy Chairman in 2010.

Since May 2014, he has been Chairman of the Works Council of the Mercedes-Benz Bremen Plant.

In addition to his work as an employee representative, he is an honorary judge at the Regional Labor Court Bremen/Bremerhaven, and he also performs various honorary functions in the municipal and trade union sector.

Michael Peters is a member of the following other legally mandatory supervisory boards and comparable supervisory bodies:

  • Mercedes-Benz AG (group mandate)
Mercedes-Benz EQS model year 2024.

Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG consists of twenty members, of whom ten are elected by the shareholders and ten are representatives of the employees.