Through the annual donation, Mercedes-Benz is committed to positive developments for people in cobalt and mica mining regions. In this way, the company supports organizations that make a contribution on the ground, over and above the requirements of the German Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act (LkSG) and the company's own human rights regulations. The focus is particularly on preventing child labor in the vicinity of the mines. For this, we support two NGOs through donations: With Bon Pasteur in the Democratic Republic of Congo and with Terre des Hommes in India. Both aim to address root causes such as extreme poverty, lack of community protection systems, and limited alternative livelihoods, thereby making improvements for local children and their families. Mercedes-Benz supports initiatives, such as Bon Pasteur and Terre des Hommes, that promote social cohesion through better living conditions – and in this way reflects key elements of the corporate citizenship strategy of Mercedes-Benz.