Mercedes-Benz Voices.

Mercedes-Benz Voices: Here the stage belongs to our employees.

Direct, authentic, touching! That's Mercedes-Benz Voices. The name says it all: Employees from our company have something to tell. They lend their voice to their story and show how diverse Mercedes-Benz is. Personal experiences from the everyday lives of individuals become an impulse and food for thought for many.

Lucas Weber: From Stuttgart to Ouagadougou

Lucas Weberis Market Manager at Mercedes-Benz Mobility. Like so many people, Lucas is involved in voluntary work alongside his actual job. For more than a decade, he has been helping children in Burkina Faso to get them the medical help they urgently need. At Voices, he tells how it all started in 2010 with two girlfriends, a flight to Ouagadougou and a suitcase full of football jerseys.

Farha Savas: being frank - no matter where someone comes from

Like almost 23 million people living in Germany, Farha Savas has an immigrant background. She grew up in different cultures and co-founded an employee network at Mercedes-Benz. Farha says it's important to be open to other people. At Voices, she talks about how she thinks about migration and integration and what contribution you can make to a good coexistence of different cultures.

Video in German language. You can use the CC button to show English subtitles.

Valentin Novosel: Be yourself!

Our colleague Valentin Novosel has undergone a very personal transformation. And it has it all! What did he learn from it? Be yourself and stand by yourself. Only then can you deliver on the job. What did Valentine's transformation consist of? Let's let him tell it himself:

Valentin Novosel: Be yourself!

Actively shaping equal opportunities.

We want equal opportunities and fair treatment based on mutual respect.