In collaboration with Japanese animation studio Polygon Pictures, Mercedes-Benz has designed animations of different scenarios in which autonomous vehicles could build informed trust with humans. The basic idea when designing animes is that a lot of emotion is expressed in a few strokes. The key issue that this project concerns itself with is therefore: How can these basic principles be used for intuitive communication between human and machine?
Answers are provided by, among other scenarios, the "AICAR" which shows an autonomous vehicle as an animated character. In addition to light signalling which informs of situations such as stopping, moving off or turning, the vehicle has various communication features that can express emotions.
Eye contact is the central focal point of a second scenario. Studies have shown that people intuitively seek eye contact with autonomous vehicles. In order to leverage this behaviour for active interaction between human and machine, Polygon Pictures has created a stylised eye design for autonomous vehicles. This makes it possible to present actions that the vehicle is about to perform and allows people to intuitively grasp what is going on.
A third scenario known as "AIMY" approaches the same topic in a somewhat more abstract way. Here the vehicle communicates with its environment via a target pointer. This target pointer consists of optical signals such as crosses or rays, which announce actions such as turning, accelerating or braking.