The Mercedes-Benz Group’s divisions are exposed to a large number of risks which are directly linked with business activities.
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Represented by the Board of Management:
Ola Källenius, Chairman; Jörg Burzer, Renata Jungo Brüngger, Mathias Geisen, Sabine Kohleisen, Markus Schäfer, Britta Seeger, Oliver Thöne, Hubertus Troska, Harald Wilhelm
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Martin Brudermüller
Court of Registry: Stuttgart; commercial register no. 762873
VAT ID: DE 32 12 81 763
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The Mercedes-Benz Group’s divisions are exposed to a large number of risks which are directly linked with business activities.
The Mercedes-Benz Group is exposed to a large number of risks that are directly linked with the business activities of its divisions or which result from external influences. A risk is understood as the danger that events, developments or actions will prevent the Group or one of its divisions from achieving its targets. At the same time, it is important for the Mercedes-Benz Group to identify opportunities so that they can be utilized in the course of its business activities, thus safeguarding and enhancing the Group’s competitiveness. An opportunity is understood as the possibility to safeguard or to surpass the planned targets of the Group or a division as a result of events, developments or actions. The divisions have direct responsibility for recognizing and managing business risks and opportunities at an early stage. As part of the strategy process, risks related to the planned long-term development and opportunities for further profitable growth are identified and integrated into the decision-making process. In order to identify business risks and opportunities at an early stage, to assess and manage them consequently, effective management and control systems, which are clustered into a risk and opportunity management system, are applied. Risks and opportunities are not offset.
The system is described in our Annual Report 2023 under Risk and Opportunity Report (from page 140).
Additional information on the current assessment of opportunities and risks can be found in our Interim reports on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd quarter.