Mercedes-Benz Ludwigsfelde GmbH.

Postal address
Mercedes-Benz Ludwigsfelde GmbH
Postfach 51
14961 Ludwigsfelde
Since 2006, the open model series of the current Mercedes-Benz Sprinter has been produced in Ludwigsfelde in addition to the Düsseldorf sister plant. A completely new production line with state-of-the-art automated production facilities has been built for the new product. In July 1996 the serial production of the Vario, which was produced in Ludwigsfelde until 2013, started. Since 2006, the open-top models of the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter have been manufactured in Ludwigsfelde. For the new product, a completely new production line with state-of-the-art automated production facilities was built on an area of 540,000 m². The production area occupies 182,000 m². Ludwigsfelde now employs around 2,000 people, making it one of the largest employers in the region.
Products: Sprinter (Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner)
At present, Mercedes-Benz Vans is making the Ludwigsfelde Plant fit for the future and is setting the course for the production of the next eSprinter generation.