Athlon Car Lease S.A.S., Le Bourget.





Visitor address

53 Avenue Jean Jaurès
Immeuble Le Mermoz
Le Bourget

Route planner

Postal address

53 Avenue Jean Jaurès
Immeuble Le Mermoz
Le Bourget

Athlon is an international provider of operational vehicle leasing and mobility solutions.

The company offers its customers a wide range of services in the following areas: financing, maintenance, tire replacement, insurance, claims management, assistance. In France, Athlon developed several partnerships with key stakeholders (Natixis / BPCE, Crédit Agricole) aiming at providing to their customers servicing in fleet management through its operational platform Multifleet. Today, Athlon France manages a total fleet of 45,000 cars. Athlon is represented in 11 European countries and manages a total fleet of 340,000 vehicles. Our ambition is to be the most client-oriented leasing company.

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