Taking responsibility together

Mercedes-Benz ProCent.

Small Amount - big effect: When the idea of ProCent was first put forward in 2012, no-one would have believed how successful it would become. Since then, nearly EUR 15 million have been approved to currently 2,100 projects in 75 countries, with more constantly being added - which means more smiling children's eyes, more happy faces and more helping hands. The amount donated to each project ranges from EUR 250 to EUR 60,000.

Number of international projects supported by ProCent.
Number of international projects supported by ProCent.

ProCent shows that a lot can be achieved with a large number of small contributions. Mercedes-Benz employees voluntarily donate the cent amounts of their net monthly salaries. The company matches each donated cent with another cent and thus doubles the total amount. The proceeds are used for charitable projects in Germany and abroad, which are proposed exclusively by the workforce. The projects promoted are mainly in the fields of supporting children and young people, charitable work, support for the disabled and conserving nature and the environment.

The ProCent Support fund is based on an idea of the Group Works Council, which is supported and promoted by the company's Management and the Group Executive Committee as a pillar of Mercedes-Benz social commitment.

At ProCent, around 77,000 Mercedes-Benz employees donate the cents of their net salary to a good cause every month.

ProCent projects at a glance.

Since 2012, Mercedes-Benz has donated nearly 15 million euros to more than 2,100 charitable projects.