Overview of Mercedes-Benz Group AG shareholders.

Approximately one billion outstanding Mercedes-Benz shares are held around the globe. The Chinese BAIC Group currently holds 9.98 % of the company’s voting rights, making it Mercedes-Benz Group AG’s largest individual shareholder. Other major shareholders include the Chinese investor Li Shufu (since 2018) and the Kuwait Investment Authority (since 1974). Li Shufu holds an equity interest of 9.69% in Mercedes-Benz Group through Tenaciou3 Prospect Investment Limited.

Shares by ownership(in % of registered capital stock, 30 September 2024)

To see a combination of names and figures, please hover over the pie chart or touch it with your finger.

Shares by region (of institutional and strategic investors in % of registered capital stock, 30 September 2024)

Capital stock in shares (old): 1,069,837,447

Capital stock in shares (from 13 December 2024): 962,903,703

The “Treasury shares” were cancelled on December 13, 2024.

The charts “Shares by ownership” and “Shares by region” will be updated as of 31 Dec 2024 in January 2025.

Some of our institutional investors have reportable securities holdings in the Mercedes-Benz Group AG. On our page Voting Rights Announcements we regularly inform you about these investments.