Gabriela Neher.
Rastatt. Supervisory Board Mercedes-Benz Group AG – Employee Representative. Member of the Works Council at the Mercedes-Benz Rastatt Plant.
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Represented by the Board of Management:
Ola Källenius, Chairman; Jörg Burzer, Renata Jungo Brüngger, Mathias Geisen, Sabine Kohleisen, Markus Schäfer, Britta Seeger, Oliver Thöne, Hubertus Troska, Harald Wilhelm
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Martin Brudermüller
Court of Registry: Stuttgart; commercial register no. 762873
VAT ID: DE 32 12 81 763
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Rastatt. Supervisory Board Mercedes-Benz Group AG – Employee Representative. Member of the Works Council at the Mercedes-Benz Rastatt Plant.
Gabriela Neher was born in 1995 in Rastatt. After completing her secondary education, she began an apprenticeship as a manufacturing mechanic at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Rastatt in 2012, which she successfully completed in 2015.
During her apprenticeship, she was elected as the Youth and Trainee Representative and held this position for six years, three of which she served as chair.
After completing her apprenticeship, she worked in the production of the Mercedes-Benz A-Class and the GLA. In 2018, Gabriela Neher was elected to the Works Council and became the Chair of the Personnel Committee in 2020. Additionally, she is responsible for overseeing the logistics department as a Works Council member.
In 2022, she completed an extra-occupational study program as a graphic designer and has been studying human resource management since the beginning of 2025.
Gabriela Neher is a member of the following other legally mandatory supervisory boards and comparable supervisory bodies: