Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, Mercedes-Benz has been supporting people in and from Ukraine. In total, donations made and pledged in cash and in kind for Ukraine aid amount to around 13 million euros. At the beginning of the war, for example, Mercedes-Benz donated one million euros to the German Red Cross (DRK) to support emergency humanitarian aid on the ground. In addition, there was a donation of two million euros in 2022/23 and now another six million euros to "SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit" for the "Rebuilding Hope" project. In addition to these monetary donations, the company presented 64 vehicles worth more than 3.7 million euros to the "DRK", "Caritas" and "SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit".
Numerous national and Group member companies around the world have also made donations and shown their solidarity with the people in and from Ukraine: The aid ranges from in-kind and food donations to support in the transportation of refugees and the provision of supplies.