Mercedes-Benz AG
Mercedesstraße 120
70372 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 7 11 17-0
Please send queries about content on this website to any contact. You can address your concerns to us in English and your respective national language.
Represented by the Board of Management:
Ola Källenius, Chairman; Jörg Burzer, Renata Jungo Brüngger, Mathias Geisen, Sabine Kohleisen, Markus Schäfer, Britta Seeger, Oliver Thöne, Hubertus Troska, Harald Wilhelm
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Martin Brudermüller
Court of Registry: Stuttgart; commercial register no. 762873
VAT ID: DE 32 12 81 763
All information about our products can be found on your country-specific Mercedes-Benz product page.
Cookies & Privacy
This information is valid for the following websites:,, und
Cookie name | Description | Cookie type |
arg_idpsession10 | This cookie is used as a unique session identifier. This cookie is deleted once the user logs out or the session expires ( | Type 1 |
JSESSIONID | This cookie stores information about the current session on the user's computer. It is needed for the web site to function correctly, for example to support navigation between pages. Can be stored until deleted by the user ( | Type 1 |
taleosession | This cookie is used to tie a user’s browser session to the session stored on the web server. This cookie expires once the user logs out or session expires ( | Type 1 |
arg_sessionid | This cookie is used as a unique session identifier. This cookie is deleted once the user logs out or the session expires ( | Type 1 |
queryData | This cookie supports the search and apply functionality of Taleo during the user session. Can be stored until deleted by the user ( | Type 2 |
restoreQuery | This cookie supports the search and apply functionality of Taleo during the user session. Can be stored until deleted by the user ( | Type 2 |
savedQuery | This cookie stores information in the search criteria provided by the candidate while searching for jobs. This data is stored when the candidate navigates from the job list page to another page and the value restores the search criteria when he comes back to the job list page. This cookie expires with the session ( | Type 2 |
ignoreSavedQuery | When a career section is freshly accessed by opening a new tab/window, the saved query if present should be ignored. This cookie skips taking in the savedQueryCookie. This cookie expires with the session ( | Type 2 |
locale | This cookie is a Language and personalization cookie for access during the session. Can be stored until deleted by the user ( | Type 2 |
lastActiveElementId | This cookie stores the last clicked page element and it is being used to restore focus on the last accessed UI element when a page navigation happens. This cookie expires with the session ( | Type 2 |
redirectSourceCareerPortalCode | This cookie stores information on the standard career section to which the mobile career section is linked. This data is used when application acknowledgement emails are sent to candidates when they apply through mobile career section. The career section job links in these acknowledgement emails should point to standard career section. This cookie expires with the session ( | Type 2 |
blockRedirectionToMobileVersion | Career sections accessed by mobile can be seen in full version too. When candidates view mobile career sections in full version, this cookie gets set and this data blocks the automated navigation from standard career section to mobile career section in mobile devices. This cookie expires with the session ( | Type 2 |