Becoming... One of Us Overview 2024

Female Career Lounge.

07 October 2024 Add to calendar

Discover your opportunities to start a career at Mercedes-Benz Cars production – Join our Female Career Lounge in October!

Together with you, we want to shape the future of the automotive industry and become even more digital, electrical and safe. For this purpose, we rely on a diverse team in order to express our sustainable luxury approach, alongside innovation and green technology. For us it is of utmost importance that everyone can contribute his or her experiences, skills and personality. Hence, diversity helps to find new perspectives and is the driver for creativity and long-term transformation.

On our digital half-day event “Female Career Lounge” we would like to introduce our company and the career opportunities we offer to female graduates and professionals from engineering and IT backgrounds. We would like to shed light on the opportunities for female engineers in the production field and offer a look and feel in our working culture.

Discover your career opportunities in production and get the chance to meet your potential colleagues and HR experts.

Please also have a look at our current job offers. Maybe the perfect position was already posted!

October 07, 2024: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Digital event


Places for the event are limited. To participate in our selection process for the free online event, you can register here  until Oct. 2nd, 2024. All selected participants will then receive an invitation to the event in good time.

Please note that this event is specifically aimed at women with an engineering or IT degree and will be conducted in English.

If you have any questions about the Female Career Lounge, please contact

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