Stay in touch with us.
Important information about the Mercedes-Benz Pensioner Portal: On July 31, 2023, the pensioner portal has been shut down. In the future, you will find the relevant information and offers as well as contact addresses directly here on this page. Thank you for your understanding.
Are you in passive partial retirement, early retirement, retirement or parental leave and would like to stay in touch with us? Below you will find a compilation of the most important websites, online services and contact addresses of Mercedes-Benz Group AG.
In order to use the Services, you must first create a user account. Instructions on how to do this can be found below.
In order to be able to access the service offers as a pensioner, in passive partial retirement, in early retirement, with a re-employment commitment or a resignation, you must activate a user account. To do this, click on the following link: Activate user account
Instructions for activation can be found here.
All active employees access the services without registering.
Change your e-mail address
Would you like to change the e-mail address for an existing account? Please open the following link
Would you like to get an overview of the current status of your company pension scheme? The following interactive portals are available for this purpose.
View my pension plan
My pension portal
*) Access is only available to employees with an existing employment relationship. Please note that the “Mein Vorsorgeportal” service will be switched off at the end of 2024. Please back up important information and data if necessary. You can find out more about this on this page
To use the online benefit application to apply for your company pension, it is necessary that you enter your private e-mail address in the "View my pension plan" app. Here you can find the instructions for employees in passive partial retirement.
Do you have any questions? Then we have provided you here with all the important contacts for company pension schemes, partial retirement and the pension service. In addition, relatives can find assistance there to clarify matters in the event of the death of (former) employees.
Here you will find an overview of the legal entities of the Mercedes-Benz Group included in the service contract with the external service provider.
Employee shares have a long tradition at the Mercedes-Benz Group. Access to the employee share portal as part of an employee share campaign can be found here
General information on Mercedes-Benz shares can be found here on the Mercedes-Benz Group AG website. In the investor portal
As an active or former employee, you can benefit from many discounts and benefits at Mercedes-Benz.
Vehicles with exclusive conditions can be found at Mercedes-Benz Members
The Mercedes-Benz online shop
In the employee offers & classifieds
For employees and for employees in the leave phase (e.g. Parental leave): Keep up to date with current company topics and personnel issues via Mercedes-Benz's internal social intranet
With mobile devices, you can use the social intranet mobile to get started. Use
Please note: To access the desktop version of the social intranet, you need a company computer and a VPN connection. This also applies to specially protected apps that you have access to.
For all those who are looking for a new job at the Mercedes-Benz Group, the job exchange
As a company health insurance company, Mercedes-Benz BKK offers you a wide range of insurance services. Find out more here
Mercedes-Benz Versicherungsservice is your contact for all individual insurance solutions such as additional health insurance, occupational disability insurance and pension provision. Discover exclusive offers for employees and their family members. Learn more here
Keep moving with the sports on offer at SG Stern
Do you like listening to music and going to concerts in your free time? Then drop by the Daimler Musikgemeinschaft e.V.
If you have problems activating your user account, please contact the Corporate UserHelpDesk (CUHD):
Telephone: +49 (0)711 17 91233
Fax: +49 (0)711 17 91233
Service hours: Monday to Sunday, 00:00 - 24:00 (CET/CEST)
Terms: Unauthorized access to computer systems of Mercedes-Benz Group AG is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized access attempts will be punished to the fullest extent permitted by law. Only employees and contractors of Mercedes-Benz Group AG are authorized to access these websites and applications.
By clicking on the links on this page, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms of Use.